The clinical setting allows for structured teaching sessions and variation in play and learning activities.

Our clinic features two direct therapy rooms that can be split to hold multiple sessions at a time. We also have a daily living therapy room that allows clients to work on independent living skills such as washing dishes, preparing meals and setting the table, etc. The clinical setting is ideal for BCBA's to actively supervise RBT's and provides many opportunities for social skills and other unique learning needs. Located in downtown Gadsden, there are opportunities to utilize the nearby community setting for skill generalization including the library, restaurants and boutiques. We encourage parents to sit in on sessions, but if not we have a comfortable lobby with several behavior analytic books to read over and child friendly television as well. In the near future, a parent viewing area will be available for parents to observe sessions from outside of the therapy room and see exactly how behavioral strategies are being implemented.



Therapists come to the home of the client to provide direct ABA therapy services.

In the home our therapists can target many skills. Utilizing the same strategies in the clinic, the home can become a place to determine if skills are generalizing to other environments. We can also work on life skills, including chores, meal making, sibling interactions, outdoor play and many more. A wonderful component of in-home services is the the option for direct parent training on different behavior analysis techniques. Clinic and home services are determined on an individual client need basis, but we are never limited to one environment!


Behavioral consulting services in the school setting are beneficial for both student and staff members.

Services include conduction of functional behavior assessments (FBA) and development of behavior intervention plans. All plans are implemented and staff trained to fidelity. Classroom management strategies and support, along with direct intervention services (one on one ABA therapy) are other modalities of our services. Coosa Behavioral Services can also provide workshops for both special education and general education staff, individualized to the need of the school district or classroom